People, please be on the lookout for the Pee Pee Bandit, she is armed and very dangerous. Can you imagine the dude that had to tell her to pick up her nasty ass tp? That dude must have been ...People, please be on the lookout for the Pee Pee Bandit, she is armed and very dangerous. Can you imagine the dude that had to tell her to pick up her nasty ass tp? That dude must have been like, "Fuck lady, you are a nasty ass bitch, how can you just roll up in here, cop a squat and piss?" It isn't like she was in a parking garage. That's where the rest of the civilized people piss at. And I thought she was gonna drop a deuce, that would have been really funny!
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leave it to rareranking to try to start some shit when there isn't any...some people just wanna argue!!!
would of been funny if the guy at the end sliped in the piss then fell face first in it.
she never took to potty training