Dude Drinks a bottle of Whiskey

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21,367 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Tim had to edit this video because the guy was just sitting there talking Russian and we had no clue on what he was saying. So we sped up the video and well, found the missing end to the vid... Show more

  • kenfromdublin November 8, 2009

    Could be coloured water for all we know.

    None of these eating the world's hottest pepper, or drinking alleged whole bottles of vodka or whisky as in this case, can be proven and are most likely faked.

  • mamelook October 30, 2009

    what the fuck do you want he's russian.enough said

  • zenemy October 30, 2009

    i hope his final exam was the next morning. what a nut rag.

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