Halloween is just a day that chicks have an excuse to dress as slutty as possible and get away with it. This year we attended Moon Fest (Whore Fest) downtown and as expected, there were whor...Halloween is just a day that chicks have an excuse to dress as slutty as possible and get away with it. This year we attended Moon Fest (Whore Fest) downtown and as expected, there were whores everywhere. Jay brought the camera down there and managed to get some footage of some hot ass. I hope you all enjoy this Week In Crazy Shit, until next week, have a good weekend everyone.
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Thats When Say FUCK The Bitch ASS Reffs And Cold Cock Her Ass Straight In The Nose While Shes Running Toward You And Just Brake Her Fucking Face
Jay, you look so good I'd let you bang my sister!
Jay, did you get your fucking stomach stapled, or go on the carb-diet or some shit???
You're so skinny I barely recognized you!
Whatever you're doing, keep it up, it's working! Smoke that pole!