It's a pretty simple idea, you put all the outer supports out as you go to pump cement. If you don't, the crane is going to fall down and go boom. Then it's piss test time for you, then the ...It's a pretty simple idea, you put all the outer supports out as you go to pump cement. If you don't, the crane is going to fall down and go boom. Then it's piss test time for you, then the welfare line. I love welfare cheese. Bonus for the people hauling ass as that mother fucker comes falling over.
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marsape you are the dumbass you dumbass. I don't give a fuck what the info says that is a concrete pump. I have a friend who has three. And I have a very stupid pitbull smarter than you.
^i rest my case, fuck head right there, i bet you play with its genitals aswell you child molesteror
marsape you are the dumbass you dumbass. I don't give a fuck what the info says that is a concrete pump. I have a friend who has three. And I have a very stupid pitbull smarter than you.
^dumbass read the info supplied..., typical pitbul owner, no fucking brains