Drag Race with a twist, actually a few twists

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17,100 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Usually in Drag Racing the two people go down a straight line and see who gets to the end the fastest. Then you have the showoffs, the guys that like to add tricks to their trip down the tra... Show more

  • suesdogowners January 31, 2010

    Typical GM shit blowing apart. Just like carpukes rusted out shit camaros.

  • cellule January 29, 2010

    Now there is spilled coffee all over the track...

  •   truckingman January 29, 2010

    SHIT, that Mother Fucker, in the yellow car, slightly jerked the steering wheel to the right witch caused the car to slide sideways and barrow roll. MF" Damn that's 12 grand to half a mill down the MF" drain.

    Sincerely, Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

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