Don't get it confused, while it may look exactly like a steak knife you'd find in your kitchen drawer, it is so much more! The handle is specially engraved and it clearly says "Surgical Knif...Don't get it confused, while it may look exactly like a steak knife you'd find in your kitchen drawer, it is so much more! The handle is specially engraved and it clearly says "Surgical Knife" on it in gold plated letters. I honestly have no idea why this guy was poking around in his leg with a damn steak knife.
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That fucking bitch has no earthly fucking idea what she is doing!
Look at these mark of Cain sadistic Edomite cave monkey's.It's ok though they're only doing it to themselves.Good job keep it up.
what a woman see what we do for u guys we cut u open and take car of ur cysts ha ha ha at least she asked if he was ok damn give her some credit