Driver Smashes Front Door Then Tasered!

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16,613 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

It is like a two for one sale at today! You not only get some ass bag riding into the front door of this convenience store. He then tries to run from the cops. That will be a t... Show more

  • jphinfan86 February 6, 2010

    Sounds like he had a York Peppermint pattie. Man those commercials sucked.

  • tamponeater February 6, 2010

    he screams like a bitch

  • shineyfeathers February 5, 2010

    Xanex...Side effect may include 1. Falling asleep at the wheel and waking up in the middle of a Convenience Store with the cops calling you out of your car. 2. The urge to spontaneously run from Police Men 3. Electric Shock. 4. Sitting on a cold steel toilet trying to shit while your cell mate watches with a grin.

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