110 MPH Ski Lift Shit Storm

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23,533 Views 1 decade ago Nature Sucks

I am not sure whether or not I believe how fast they say these winds were going. However, judging by the sound of the wind when they step outside, I can assure you I'd be freaking the fuck o... Show more

  • killtacular April 29, 2010

    Wait..you live int he south...and you're not worried about 110 MPH winds? You must not be htinkin' straight...an f5 tornado ain't no picnic, either, dude. except with a tornado, it ain't just wind..it's pieces of wood, some metal siding..shattered glass...a car..a pickup truck..a house...cow...

    All kinds of hsit to impale your ass with in a tornado..some blasting snow and wind ain't nothin'.

  • rodeye2 April 21, 2010

    I'd just fall to the slope,bunch of pussies.

  •   rockinron April 20, 2010

    when i get off this fucking lift im kicking the shit outta the operator!!!

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