Japanese Game Show: The Mouth Passing Game

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17,521 Views 1 decade ago Asians

Ok, the objective here is to take foreign objects, from point A to point B by passing them from mouth to mouth. Ok, I got this, but wow, can they get any more gross and homo-erotic all in on... Show more

  • evil_princess April 26, 2010

    I feel so sorry for that poor little lizard. He probably thought he better shit in someone's mouth fast if he wanted to make it out of there alive!

  • unknown April 25, 2010

    Why can't we have Gook TV rather than Spick TV?

    The yahe the hot girls and crazy ass shows!

  • rodeye2 April 25, 2010

    Two of those guys got the ass end of the frog I guess a frog can't shit his pants.

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