Naked Drunk Guy On top of truck fucking with Police

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21,465 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

There's so much so wrong with this whole video. First, what a dick for fucking up that dude's truck. If I was that guy, I'd get out and pull his fat, drunk ass off my truck and whoop his ass... Show more

  • soypisto75 May 1, 2010

    he didnt crack the windshield you dumbass. and how can you call someone else fat when they're skinner than your ass. u prolly never been to that bar, prolly just heard rumors about that bar.

  • sikko April 28, 2010

    I would have reached my Sprinfield XD .45 pistol out the window and caped his ass if that was my truck.

  • rodeye2 April 28, 2010

    He almost made it to sea.

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