US Soldiers Attacked With IED

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
36,376 Views 1 decade ago War

Four US soldiers were attacked with an IED on Wednesday, according to the date on the camera. I'm not certain of the result, but I think it's safe to assume the worst. Maybe it's time we bri... Show more

  • huhu123 January 14, 2024

    Feels good when see American and Israel dead

  • wonkwonka February 16, 2013

    Freedom of speech, the ability to express an opinion, should never be followed by "as long as you agree with me." We sit here and watch horrific video after video, so if one contains some of our boys, get over it. If you are gung-ho for war, then you should be intelligent enough and informed enough to know that war means casualties on BOTH sides. So for every "bomb those mutha fuckas !" know that you are also putting an Americans life at risk. And also, how many fucking people do you think were involved in 9/11 ? I think we might have gotten the ones we needed to, even though Iraq had nothing to do with it, we EVENTUALLY got around to getting the one we were supposedly looking up on an election year. Anyway, I would like to see some more death and disfigurement, please.

  • afrika September 18, 2012

    so what normal day dead americans feels good

    good job iraq

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