Everyone flail there limbs around like a bunch of drunken morons! Come on all together now, we have to get this mosh pit raging. This poor guy just happened to be in the wrong place at the w...Everyone flail there limbs around like a bunch of drunken morons! Come on all together now, we have to get this mosh pit raging. This poor guy just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time as he got a clothesline to the face. This knockout should be a warning as to what will happen to you if you partake in a mosh pit.
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so fags do fight back
Hey bro wat do I gotta load up 2 watch da videos
Rockinron - black people don't get in large groups and show off their dancing skills by flailing their arms around and kicking people! Lol.
6000 years from Cavelife, and they still have no idea how to behave!