You Don't Want To Miss Your Train

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
39,512 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

If you're tired of life and looking for a sure way to end it all, you might want to consider lying down on some railroad tracks. As you can see it's quite effective, not terribly messy and a... Show more

  • magnavox50 September 22, 2010

    he might have missed the train but the train sure as hell didn't miss him

  • ohwickedwendi September 22, 2010

    Man, he's really a train wreck.

  • wisconsinjed September 21, 2010

    There is a old wooden bridge close to my house and Amtrak uses it daily going to New Orleans. I haven't been there for a long time. We used to take some LSD or eat some shrooms and go lay on the rafters on the bridgen, when the train came through we could literaly put our arms and touch the train. It was awesome. Damn, I miss hose days, it's a wonder no one was killed! Looking back, we like most of you older guys, did a lot of stuff that should have killed us.

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