Who Let The Pig On The Set?

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
24,337 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

He always wanted to be in the movies, but had to settle for a job on the police department since he didn't have any talent. But that wasn't about to stop him from finding himself a part in t... Show more

  • flip835 October 15, 2010

    wtf the transformers reunion? and why the fuck is it that the cop cars are impervious to dents and scratched. i could have had the same exact car and mine would have been totaled and flipped over

  • cellule October 14, 2010

    Autobots being introduced to our very-own Decepticons.

  • rodeye2 October 14, 2010

    Took the cop out while the truck load of drugs got away.

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