I guess these guys are Finland's equivalent of Jackass, which means they're a bunch of morons who get paid to hurt themselves doing stupid shit. Well, we get paid to show people hurting them...I guess these guys are Finland's equivalent of Jackass, which means they're a bunch of morons who get paid to hurt themselves doing stupid shit. Well, we get paid to show people hurting themselves doing stupid shit, so sit back and enjoy this painful compilation of stupidity.
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The Dudeson's are the ~original~ jackasses Knoxville ripped the idea off from them. Jackass is ~hardly~ fuckin' original. These guys make Knoxville's gang look like sesame street muppets. I doubt you'd ever see one of Knoxville's flunkies stand on top of a collapsinng building for kicks.
The Dudeson's are the ~original~ jackasses Knoxville ripped the idea off from them. Jackass is ~hardly~ fuckin' original. These guys make Knoxville's gang look like sesame street muppets. I doubt you'd ever see one of Knoxville's flunkies stand on top of a collapsinng building for kicks.
They're not jackasses. They're dumb asses
WOW i guess this is the credict to the hunky world
Becuase their dumb as fugg!