Twofer Tuesday: Dumb Girls

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
41,068 Views 1 decade ago Funny

To be fair, women are good at a lot of things, but common sense just doesn't seem to be one of them. I know cameras and microphones are really complex devices that can be hard to figure out,... Show more

  • tainoarawak July 3, 2011

    Bwahahaha... bitches. I mean seriously. And you let them vote? No wonder America is in turmoil.

  • suckitbitches June 17, 2011

    Guy: Hey can I stick my finger in your belly button

    Girl: Sure

    Girl: Hey, that's not my belly button

    Guy: That's not my finger

  • ohwickedwendi June 15, 2011

    Why can't blonds make Kool-Aid? They can't figure out how to get all that water into that small package.

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