Tackling Looters Is So Much Fun

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
17,805 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

Some London citizens are enjoying some fine looting right now, and others are enjoying fucking up looters. It looks like we may have ourselves a rugby player over here. They should just foll... Show more

  • killtacular August 14, 2011

    PS- Good on ya, mr Green! I likeit when people get fed up with looters and start fighting back. Stupid fucker didn't even see it coming. I bet he was knocked flat the fuck out.

  • killtacular August 14, 2011

    BIg Talk- Don't act so high and fucking mighty. The African Government (Made up of BLACK PEOPLE AND ARABS)are actively committing genocide against blacks in Darfur so that the Arabs can let their stupid fuckign camels have grazing land. Your race is just as human (Or, in strictly ~your~ case, unhuman) and fucked up as ours and isn't without it's share of dumb fucks and blood shed, either, so get the fuck off your high horse, you arrogant, racist piece of shit.

  • etdaddy August 13, 2011

    great body check, he should try out for the nhl

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