Drinking And Pissing Like A Lady

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
32,737 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Sure, the line for the women's bathroom is long, but the men's bathroom is just plain filthy. I guarantee she now has at least 20 different guys' urine samples on her ass now. It's probably ... Show more

  • arcknagar August 18, 2011

    I saw a girl on the floor of a bathroom, in ankle deep piss, in a stall going down on some guy with a crowd gathered around the stall at Harpos. (to those who are cool enough to know what Harpos is! \m/ ) At 1 point her face went in the pee and when they were done they had a 5 minute standing ovation from the crowd! The worst part... she was really fuckin' hot! Ooooh! You nasty little bitch!

  • onetime42 August 18, 2011

    I'm guessing that the reason for the blacked out crotch part of the video was to cover up the 6 inches of swinging meat.

  • thederp August 17, 2011

    you know what they say? you don't buy drinks, you rent them.

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