For those that don't know, the Crazyshit mobile site is up and running, like a Tyrone Biggums to the free crack give away. So now you can go to and access all kinds of filth flarn filth from anywhere, anytime, so long as you've got a compatible phone. Sorry, no Blackberries, bitches. Show more
@ Stevenh915 Question : Who was over two weeks on the frontpage of Crazy Shit ? Which pictures were rated with 3 stars ? Over twenty thousand people have seen which guy ? What do you think is the answer ? Was it you or you neighbour ? Answer : No Stevieboy it was ME !!! And now stop saying your silly slang words I don't understand that.You are only a stupid dick body !!!!!!!!!
^^^^ok fuck wit let me spell it out for you, this is how it works, you are a faggot ass bandit, you are just some one for others to use as a punching bag, i tell u to do some thing and u do it. and you do it coz your a bitch, your lower than a sausage dogs scrotum, and for your information you stupid prick, you have no fans, in all your posts ( which were all about some gay shit ) have you ever had even one +1 ? , NO. and why is that, coz your german ass pounder. and i told you to do that for a laugh you chutney bunker raiding sweetcorn peanut thief! god you really are a fucking idiot!