Don't Beat A Dead Horse

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
24,494 Views 1 decade ago Animals

Somebody really likes The Godfather a little too much and needs to stay the fuck away from the horses. How did that beast get in the house in the first place? And where are we going to get o... Show more

  •   airsporter January 30, 2017

    A dead Donkey in your Bedroom is going to take some explaining to Wifey!

  • lurker01010100 September 19, 2011

    That's not a horse, it's a grown up moose. Some woman was sleeping there, and woke up with that moose in her room. They tried to take it out without killing it but had to shoot it eventually. They are speaking Norwegian

  • jctbay September 17, 2011

    He said he let the animal in because it was so cold out and it started freaking out and threatened to destroy his Vodka stash so he had to slay the beast..

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