These guys are pretty special, and I don't mean that in a good way. Plastic tables don't work well as diving boards, and apparently a big banner works great as a clothes line. Just ask Mr. h...These guys are pretty special, and I don't mean that in a good way. Plastic tables don't work well as diving boards, and apparently a big banner works great as a clothes line. Just ask Mr. head injury over there. I'm sure he'd tell you if he could still form words.
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@ Thegreatwhite: Once upon a time, ppls have had enough of all this racial shit in the PG. So, someone almost did his job and started to ban whoever made a comment about some Kitkat/Justin Bieber/Staypuff-the-marshmallow-man/etc. But I guess he got sewed or something... Still, racial debates do have plenty of room to happen in the forums but it seems like the PG is a nice place to argue like littles kids do over a bazooka bubble-gum. Go figure.
well they were white
@ Thegreatwhite: Once upon a time, ppls have had enough of all this racial shit in the PG. So, someone almost did his job and started to ban whoever made a comment about some Kitkat/Justin Bieber/Staypuff-the-marshmallow-man/etc. But I guess he got sewed or something... Still, racial debates do have plenty of room to happen in the forums but it seems like the PG is a nice place to argue like littles kids do over a bazooka bubble-gum. Go figure.
Man what's with all the niggars on this site? Can't someone ban?