Enjoy Your Stay In County

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
41,961 Views 1 decade ago Fights

That was a pretty smart move, Tyrone. You could talk to your boy to come bail you out and give you a ride home, or you could get in a fight over something stupid and extend your stay in coun... Show more

  • hung1058 November 19, 2011

    think mr. clean was trying to get some cocksucking action going.

  • tenebrous November 19, 2011

    It's amazing how hairless,cave monkey,edomite,fuck their own sister pieces of shit always like to call someone a monkey.If you go back to your caves and cliffs the world will be far better off.You've never had any history of your own so you steal from others(i.e.Hebrews,Greeks.etc).I guess it makes sense now.The truth about yourself sucks so much you can't help but want to be someone else.

  • smarterthanu November 18, 2011

    I see all you honky fucks have a hard on, since this is the only video ive ever seen on crazyshit where the white guy win. Chances are he's russian or something, crackers can.t win unless its with a woman half their size

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