His lips better have at least grazed her meat curtains a time or two. Pull that shit with me and she'd find it damn near impossible to remove my tongue from her moist slit. I hope he took a ...His lips better have at least grazed her meat curtains a time or two. Pull that shit with me and she'd find it damn near impossible to remove my tongue from her moist slit. I hope he took a couple nice whiffs of her butthole too. Something to savor for later.
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That's prime time German TV. They don't air the "shiza" videos until after 9pm. Then you can't a channel where someone isn't shitting or pissing on someone else.
Anything to grease the wheels.
If she did that to me,she'd have to change her dress.
That's prime time German TV. They don't air the "shiza" videos until after 9pm. Then you can't a channel where someone isn't shitting or pissing on someone else.