Week In Crazyshit: My New Camera

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
9,700 Views 1 decade ago Week in Crazy [Archived]

I got myself a new camera from the good folks at Canon, and decided to play around with it a little bit. We also want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's week, because we're some romantic m... Show more

  • urapnes1701d February 23, 2012

    @ Rockinron. Notice how Adam didn't recognize that Silk has Estrogen in it!.. Hmmmm.....

  • Adam H. February 21, 2012

    I appreciate your concern, Ron, but actually cameras with more weight are easier to hold steady. As for the focus, that is me manually racking it slowly on purpose. I assume that you are more interested in a point and shoot, but I need to have more manual control. I'll be keeping my Canon, as I did plenty of research myself, but thanks anyway.

  •   rockinron February 20, 2012

    also i am filming at 30 FPS and have a 12.1 mega pixel capture.on a 23 point pixel sensor!!

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