Bring Me My Beer, Woman

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
21,598 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

That's a pretty ingenuitive way to carry a shit ton of beers, but I'll really be impressed if she can drink them all. Or even just half. Hell, I bet she can't drink a third of them without f... Show more

  • dkgarr999 March 9, 2012

    Gotta say that does look might weak after spending many years in frei statt bayern and going to the beer fest there. The bierfrau put this lady to shame, and they didn't need bald headed nigger to help them. and those are tiny little faggot cups of beer.


  • badgrim March 7, 2012

    you can have the beer...i'll take the women.

  • tonkpils420 March 7, 2012

    so 5 min to get the beer together and that one fucker was a foot away come on they wasnt that drunk to go the whole 5 feet to get rid of them

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