Double Scooter Crash

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
15,784 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

The taxi driver is working hard today. He takes out not just one, but two scooters with an asshole turn from the wrong lane and no blinker. Imagine what he could do with a fire truck. Let's ... Show more

  • killtacular April 4, 2012

    I'm usually oen to laugh at these, cause the scooter drivers usually have a 'fuck you' attitude, but this time, I was hoping to see some riders give an asshole cabbie a beatdown that'd teach the fucker how to drive like a human being and not like a fuckin' sand nigger.

  • honkie365 April 4, 2012

    Two down, three billion to go.

  • fiercepierce April 3, 2012

    That cabbie got his license the same place all the cabbies in American got theirs, in a box on Islamic Cracker Jacks.

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