Sunday Slams

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
21,983 Views 1 decade ago Fail

Hells yes, it's time to sit back and watch dumb people do dumb shit and hurt themselves in the process. That's what our slam sessions are all about. And they always seem to make you feel bet... Show more

  • badgrim April 10, 2012

    i found that if you head scraps the ground you make the same sound as you would if you just took a sip of an ice cold pepsi.

  • handsomedevil April 9, 2012

    i'd call them air heads but obviously not enough oxygen is getting to their brains.

  • fiercepierce April 9, 2012

    Oooooh biggertalk is in trouble. His momma is gonna break her foot off in his ass for bustin up her stripper pole and house.

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