Showing Off Their Fresh Kills

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
50,641 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

I'm not sure if you guys knew, so I figured I'd show you that there is still violence and murder going on in the Middle East. You probably thought that everything was nice and peaceful over ... Show more

  • wilfru April 26, 2012

    who are the bad guys here, hmmmmm .give me the beheading vids,,wilfru

  • wisconsinjed April 24, 2012

    Lol, I just thought of something! We need to actually thank sites like CS and Livelink to show us the truth and it's actually CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox that are the propagandist! That is amazingly true isn't it? Ok dudes I done, sorry but I needed to say this.

  • wisconsinjed April 24, 2012

    I hear you Ron! Our own media is our worst enemy! It's just incredible how it works! It's just like the police! If you don't trust and have faith in some police, you don't have trust in faith in any! Erase "police" and put a "American" or "Westerner" in it's place and it works the same way! The view of "America" is so skewed in the

    world because of our own media it's almost criminal!

    Ron even though you may say things differently than myself you're right on most of the time! Peace all!

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