50 year old vs 21 year old

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38,797 Views 1 decade ago Fights

This goes out to all the guys over 30. Yup, we still have hope. Ohh and fat guys too, we still have hope. Some young punk wants to take your old ass on, bring it son! Sure you might hurt lik... Show more

  • ghosthunter May 8, 2012

    I have some grays and pushing late 40's and I will KICK the LIVING shit out of you in a SECOUND!! Age don't mean shit when you know how to fight!

  • killtacular May 6, 2012

    Nah, Biggertalk, I said a nigger, not a brotha. There's a difference. It's a pity that you can't see the difference, like all those fucked up Zimmerman supporters can't tell the difference between murder and self defense.

  • onetime42 May 6, 2012

    Like the old saying goes, \"A young man will beat your ass, but an old man WILL FUCKIN' KILL YOU!\"

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