Week In Crazyshit: Icy Hot On Your Balls?

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
11,741 Views 1 decade ago Week in Crazy [Archived]

Henry is back and he wants to know if you've ever had Icy Hot on your balls. It happened to me once when I put it on the inside of my thigh, and it rubbed on to my sac. That shit burned like... Show more

  • sactownryder May 28, 2012

    My father was a professional body builder, and when I was 5 years old he dared me and my tough guy brothers to take the icy hot challenge. Only took about ten seconds before I was screaming, running to the bathroom to wash my balls in the sink. One of the worst things I've ever experianced....FACT

  • crazyasshole May 26, 2012

    what if jay and adam decided on the top 3 worst comments of the week and the voting system stays as is? that might work

  • atmydismay May 26, 2012

    ^^^ that's true...but people come and go..ya never know who s gonna stick around

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