The world is burning.....

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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
22,327 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Where do people like this come from? Other than over-privileged white neighborhoods. I've never known or met anyone this fuckin bizarre from a middle-income or lower household. Seems all the... Show more

  • briskman11 July 17, 2012

    I just had a fucking seizure....SIT STILL!!!!

  • yomammasass July 16, 2012

    ^^^Are you sure you're not this sick puppy's pappy? He probably looks a lot like you did 30 years ago and he'll look a lot like you 30 years from now -- dead or alive. Well, anyhow, the whole "Marilyn Manson" concept just seems kinda old. The whole sick tranny meme needs to be updated. How about "Britney Bundy" or "Jennifer Dahmer"? Who knows? -- "Aaliyah Bin Laden" could be the next Lady Gaga!

  • spaulding July 16, 2012

    Your children are going to be 99% worse than this manson wannabe fagot, because the forums don't fucking exist. Therefore they can't mold into regular, normal human beings because they won't have the guidance of the forums to help them turn into awesome members of society.

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