Nature's a pain in the ass!

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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
49,940 Views 1 decade ago Nature Sucks

HAHAHAHA!!! Q: Why does it hurt my asshole so bad? A: Cause the baby's right there, next door to it. BWAHAHAHA!!! I'm so glad I'm a dude and don't have to pop babies out. I'll take depositin... Show more

  • hardnutjr February 1, 2013

    not built for birthing. in years back she would have died and stopped the bad gene pool.

    Medicine is keeping a lot of bad genes going.

  • spinal12 July 28, 2012

    A little turd came out of her ass and said biggertalk is here to help.

  • ohwickedwendi July 28, 2012

    Actually, ron--I just have great hips....has nothing to do with you vagina...silly man.

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