Two On One Beating

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
29,329 Views 1 decade ago Fights

If these were black guys beating someone, every other comment would be blaming it on race and saying what savages these people are, but somehow that doesn't apply when they're white. So I'll... Show more

  • jesse69 August 12, 2012

    Wasn't much of a fight.

  •   happyjack August 11, 2012

    Rockinron I believe you have just proven that you are probably the biggest idiot on this site. So if your fucked up way of judging who's fit to be liked by you were true, you would need to personally know or know about each black person that you post a racist comment about. So just continue being a racist moron, but don't try to sound intelligent and dignified you basement dwelling fuck.

  • wisconsinjed August 11, 2012

    I hear ya' Ron! Racism is racism is racism! Like I said I applaud his effort but I think he missed the big picture. Replacing his post with the reversal hopefully showed him that. Glad you got it! Nice addition!

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