Many things on the internet take me by surprise, but one thing that never will is the stupidity of juggalos. Would somebody please drop a bomb on the next ICP concert? I know it wouldn't mak...Many things on the internet take me by surprise, but one thing that never will is the stupidity of juggalos. Would somebody please drop a bomb on the next ICP concert? I know it wouldn't make a huge difference in bettering the world, but at least it would be a start.
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fucking dumbass from that distance a jump would be impossible let alone miss any of those people. stupid white fake black rapper faggots that never get pussy.
And here I thought a juggalo was a gigolo with jugs.
Don't wreck the truck, that's what I supposed to do today!
fucking dumbass from that distance a jump would be impossible let alone miss any of those people. stupid white fake black rapper faggots that never get pussy.