Ghetto Custody Battle

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
31,175 Views 1 decade ago Fights

It takes some folks with real class to fight outside the courthouse, directly in front of the cops, over some baby mama drama. Keep it up and the state will be getting custody, which by the ... Show more

  • erock August 30, 2012

    Typical White guy: Scared of everyone. Even their own race and will start a war to kill millions because of it. Make everyone dark skinned out to be evil yet the Europeans are responsible most death and violence seen by humans. If us blacks are the animals and niggers then let us be and take your billion dollar space ship to Mars to live. Animals seem to survive pretty well without 'human' help. Most of you have a hate towards black guys just because it is easy to hate those who came from nothing and have nothing. Hope you feel better about your lives and how a White man is robbing you more than any Black ever guy will. Scared much? Racism is the poor mans classism.

  • rodeye2 August 29, 2012

    They were fighting over the welfare check and foodstamps.Ah yes,this is what I pay taxes for.

  • jesse69 August 29, 2012


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