These guys sure don't seem surprised that this chick just horrifically plummeted to her death. They don't even seem concerned. I bet if you translated it would be something like: "Did she si...These guys sure don't seem surprised that this chick just horrifically plummeted to her death. They don't even seem concerned. I bet if you translated it would be something like: "Did she sign a waiver?" "Yep." "Fuck it, we got another rope."
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I have seen everything over the years . . . . but I still get sick when I see couples lose someone in an accident. They are young. (yes dumb too) She was brave and just wanted to make a memory . . and then you see and hear the end of the love of your life. . . I would do everything to kick the instructor down this hill of stupidity just to equalize a bit of the pain. Fucking idiot . . i hope he sees her face for the rest of his life in front of him.
I have seen everything over the years . . . . but I still get sick when I see couples lose someone in an accident. They are young. (yes dumb too) She was brave and just wanted to make a memory . . and then you see and hear the end of the love of your life. . . I would do everything to kick the instructor down this hill of stupidity just to equalize a bit of the pain. Fucking idiot . . i hope he sees her face for the rest of his life in front of him.
That 1 minute delay was her conscience telling her NOT to jump... I've learned to go with my first mind and this is reinforcement.
What a waste of a good kitchen utensil.