It's always the guys who run their mouths forever who can't fight worth a shit. You just got your ass kicked by a whitey in front of all the brothers and they all just laughed at you. Is the...It's always the guys who run their mouths forever who can't fight worth a shit. You just got your ass kicked by a whitey in front of all the brothers and they all just laughed at you. Is the honky still gonna die tonight? You promised, and we don't like someone who falls back on their promises.
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Listen all you racist bastards Jay should ban the lot of you,It was a good clean fight between a bigmouth blowheart and another guy no one jumped in the guy didn't sucker punch anyone and he stoped when the guy had enough not even a kick was thrown... so yeah leave it alone...
You ok... "Nah, I needs an amberlamps"
*WARNING* Marijuana effects the memory and coordination
Listen all you racist bastards Jay should ban the lot of you,It was a good clean fight between a bigmouth blowheart and another guy no one jumped in the guy didn't sucker punch anyone and he stoped when the guy had enough not even a kick was thrown... so yeah leave it alone...