She really wants her waffles

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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
23,858 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Now this bitch is hungry. I mean real hungry! They didn't get her waffles out fast enough and now she wants blood! First of all, she's kinda gross, secondly, her sense of style is shit and t... Show more

  • michelle_obama September 26, 2012

    You ever notice if you get stuck behind a nigger that at the drive up window at mc d's they take for ever ...

    I'll have 4 hamburgers the first one I want ketchup and mustard but I want the mustard to be on the bottom side of the paddy and the ketchup on top of the paddy and the onions have to be blah blah blah

    ... its like it a big event to them, one would think micky d's is the classiest place these porch monkeys have ever been too

  • unknown September 19, 2012

    niggers being niggers.

  • sleeko September 19, 2012

    What is it about fast food, that makes kneegrow women go crazy?

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