Watching this drunk asshole is like watching numberonefan at a bar full of sailors. You know he's going down, you just aren't sure when. This guy probably won't be staying down as long as nu...Watching this drunk asshole is like watching numberonefan at a bar full of sailors. You know he's going down, you just aren't sure when. This guy probably won't be staying down as long as numberonefan though.
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Come on guys, he's just a bit shy. He was leaning in for a kiss with the pavement, eyes closed and everything. So romantic it should be a Hallmark card for smackheads.
Add a long farting noise to this video
Xanax and beer does this everytime!!
Come on guys, he's just a bit shy. He was leaning in for a kiss with the pavement, eyes closed and everything. So romantic it should be a Hallmark card for smackheads.