Ass Kicked And Arm Broken

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
34,636 Views 1 decade ago Fights

One thing you never want to do when falling to the ground is extend your arm to try to break your fall. It doesn't work. The only thing it breaks is your arm. And subsequently, his face.

  • ghosthunter October 3, 2012

    Thank God for Obama care..

  •   rockinron October 3, 2012

    urapnes must never heard of a place called iraq or afganistan or vietnam. fighting is a war and the winner takes all no matter what he has to do to win.

    guys like you end up with their ass's handed to them. you never woulda lasted in a fight with me in my bad ass days.

    and im sure if ya pissed off adam or henry you'd get hurt pretty bad by your rules and standards of hand to hand fighting

  • tonkpils420 October 3, 2012

    lol at :13 he still tryin to hit him with his broken arm

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