The Ultimate Back Flip

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
22,799 Views 1 decade ago Police

Why are they hating on him so bad? That was a perfect back flip. Don't they remember what the Ghostbusters did for us? They saved New York City for fuck's sake. They should be applauding him... Show more

  •   rockinron November 1, 2012

    cops report," the suspect flipped on us so we took him in for disorderly conduct."

  • lolpwned October 31, 2012

    This is the R.C.M.P. - they are bigger assholes every day. On the flip side, this guy must be one dumb motherfucker not to have guessed they might have a problem with him standing on top of the cruiser.

  • ghosthunter October 31, 2012

    He could have out runned both those cops.

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