Asian Pussy Vs. Cripple In Wheelchair

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
30,025 Views 1 decade ago Fights

Our little Asian man choked when it was his turn to freestyle in the rap battle, and his ego couldn't handle being called a pussy by the guy in the wheelchair. I get the impression that peop... Show more

  • cynuckm February 25, 2015

    This motherfucking chink is asking for it, what a stupid fuckhead. And the white trash are just waiting for him to swing so they can fuck him up. This shit happen's mostly in the USA, where dumb fuck vs dumb fuck. If that asian shit head want to fuck that stupid white motherfucker he should have shoot him to finish the job.That's how yo medicate white trash You all dumb fucking american's

  • shitbox November 10, 2012

    If i ever seen this dude i would rip his spinal cord right out of his asshole

  • sarcozy November 9, 2012

    hey, why is the wheelchair guy not kicking him??

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