Not Much Left Of That Guy

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
40,966 Views 1 decade ago War

I still don't understand why they keep yelling 'God is great', every time another one of their villages gets blown to shit and body parts are scattered everywhere. I wonder if they even know... Show more

  • kooky January 7, 2013

    just to explain what they mean by "god is great" in your descreption, they say "Allahu Akbar" which if translated to english "god is greater" and what they mean by saying it is that what ever happen to them or to their nation or what ever the fuck is the cause ... god is still greater and will help them...

  • saywhen January 5, 2013

    must have been one hell of a game. but in arab football, you don't want to be the one to catch the bomb.

  • d90girl January 5, 2013

    Why do they always have to make this fucking racket like a bunch of retarded baboons !!??

    EVERYSINGLETIME !!!!! Sooo annoying !

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