Russian Drives Are Full Of Surprises

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
20,576 Views 1 decade ago WTF

There's nothing out of the ordinary here. It's just a nice drive through the Mother Land, and having to stop at a tank crossing. No big deal at all.

  • u-235 January 31, 2013

    Fuck the roads! That's one way to get to point A to point B!

  • nnoocha January 31, 2013

    This is a normal crossroads equipped with traffic lights. Cars were crossing on the red light, so it would have been their fault if they had died. Good for the owner of the dashcam to have stopped.

    PS: assmasterson - you got the point!

  • assmasterson January 31, 2013

    ^^It's all about priorities, in a country where car jacking and road rage are a way of life, having an expensive car doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Being able to prove who shot first, though, makes all the difference in the world.

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