Mexican Tiger Trainer Mauled

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
32,976 Views 1 decade ago Animals

I don't get why people are leaving just when the show gets good. If I pay to see a tiger show, you better believe I want to see them go on the attack. This I don't get why people are leaving just when the show gets good. If I pay to see a tiger show, you better believe I want to see them go on the attack. This Mexican trainer died at the hospital later. And that's why you don't fuck with tigers. Show more

  • bobbabooey February 14, 2013

    Mexican food again?!

  • immanuelkunt February 6, 2013

    Rip his goddamn ass apart, kitty.

  • xeronox February 6, 2013

    Little did mexi know, it was tigers turn to put on a show. :) EAT CHO ASS!!

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