Syrian Soldiers Behead Civilian

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
47,864 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

The Free Syrian Army has been hard at work beheading civilians. And all in the name of Allah. What inspiring and dedicated religious guys they are.

  • arathron February 9, 2013

    also if they are so fucking devoted to their religion why he need to read from a paper the only lines they use and know from the coran?

  • arathron February 9, 2013

    i'm quite troubled now that i can read they halabalahabla, they say there is more alternative than end up chopped in parts or shoot to death, they can be exiled but then again should we be glad that they aren't exporting their fucked up shit to other countries killing their own kind? or should we feel bad because having a way according to true pacific means of a "religion" they brutally chose always for execution? no wonder they can't make a glass city from all that sand, they just don't have the brains

  • neospace February 6, 2013

    That technique is called the chop and drop

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