Bangladesh Police Murder Unarmed Man

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
31,503 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

It sure would suck to live in a third world country. Especially an Islamic one. This is in Bangladesh where people are protesting some shit. It sure would suck to live in a third world country. Especially an Islamic one. This is in Bangladesh where people are protesting some shit. Read about it if you want. Show more

  • peter_griffin February 23, 2024

    They are trained by Usa police

  • killtacular February 26, 2013

    In regard to the Waco massacre people are shooting off at the mouth about..The Davidians, led by David Koresh (Whom was a pedophile whom had fathered at least a dozen children through 13-14 year-old girls), had stockpiled illegal military-grade weapons and munitions, and there was a conspiracy to overthrow government agencies. The Citizens of Waco were worried about this, among other thigns, including the fact that the davidians were abusing their children, so the police and FBI swarmed the compound. The Davidians fired the first shots, which were answered with immediate supressive fire. The Davidians (Koresh' little cult) were holding innocent people hostage, including their own children. The tank that was used was not used to fire upon the Davidians, but to punch a hole in the wall by crashign into it so that they couldn't hole themselves up anymore with their weapons and civilian hostages. The fire started as a result of the Davidians deliberately setting fires in 3 separate areas of the compound SIMULTANEOUSLY (THe fire department's inspection of the compound afterward confirmed this). The Branch Davidians under David Koresh' influence were to blame, not the police, and not the tank that was used. Most of the women and children whom were killed were found in the basement under wet blankets. THey died because debris created by the fire (Which also severely weakened the structure) had collapsed on top of them. THe cops were not responsible for what happend. PERIOD. The other dead that werent' killed by the cops for shooting at them, were killed by other members of the cult or they had killed themselves. However, Timothy Mcveigh, whom was angered by the incident, bombed the Murrah federal building here in my homestate in retaliation for this event. Had my parents not overslept that day, they'd be dead today, and I'd have Mcveigh's head on my fucking wall.

  • gunz February 26, 2013

    ^ ^ ^ i really hope you didn't breed, maggot

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