Exactly why I keep my money!

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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
24,056 Views 1 decade ago WTF

I can't stand these mother-fuckers that beg for money. Especially down here in Florida. If you can walk and talk and ask for money. You can fucking flip burgers you lazy fuck!

  • penzman November 3, 2014

    100 000 dolllars a year. Ha! I bet the IRS was on his ass following that.

    Too bad he's not, because he really does look like a retard.

  •   nh3kid March 5, 2013

    Got alotof them fuckers in Baltimore around the inner harbor . Bastards make a mint! One bich was bummin cigs from us in the morn and cought back u with her later in the day and she was sporting a fat roll of free pan handled money. She was laughing it off .

  • spaulding March 3, 2013

    Someone sue that fucker for fraud.

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