Death By Savage Beating

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
79,982 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

They have pinatas in Syria too, but it's not exactly the same as the Mexican version. The main difference is there's no candy to eat when the beating is done. Just a dead body to dispose of.

  • bronson666 October 10, 2014

    Work isn't work aslong as it's with good friends

  • crzywhtboy November 30, 2013

    Dumb ass cock sucking pieces of shit I hope they all die of hard anal rape

  • antoniomamie October 28, 2013

    Not as severly ! how ever this does seem the most efficient means of getting the American politicians to either work, for those that vote them in office or exile them overseas ! never come back maybe they can find work in one of many factories given tax incentives an assistance to leave our shores in China or India a beating from ever U.S. citizen who are loosing their homes can't pay mortgages rents or taxes many children go hungry parents can't afford food ! while our corrupted politicians get richer fatter, bold enough to place themselves as the elite ! when this country was founded on equality getting paychecks and freebees still aren't working for America's interest only theirs and worried about raising economies of our enemies YES ! they need a stick beating them in to submission or get out

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