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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
21,897 Views 1 decade ago Creative Shit

Let's hear what you would do and why?

  • potts April 4, 2013

    Knowing my shitty luck... Probably get murdered also.

  • handsomedevil March 18, 2013

    i remember this one time, i was walking home at like 3 in the morning on a VERY early sunday morning, and i hear this bitch screaming, so i went to where the source of the scream was coming from and found this dude wailing on this girl, so i was like, "hey, homie, chill out, that;s a female blah blah blah." so this fool rolls up on me and starts with the whole 'mind your business' trip and takes a swing. i ducked the punch, and was like "chill, fucker. i'm just saying, it's a woman," and the next thing i know, i feel these little pitterpatter punches on my neck, and you know what? it was the female. bitch was all "don't be putting hands on my man!"Lol so after that, i'v been like, "well, that's their business. handle it."

  • rodeye2 March 18, 2013

    I'd pull out my 9 and put a cap in his ass.

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